This Program Is For You If...

  • You're tired of constantly stressing over food and what to eat.

  • Are always starting a new diet and are stuck in the all or nothing mindset.

  • Want to transform your relationship with food so there's no more guilt OR stress.

  • Want to learn to listen to your body to know when, how much and what to eat.

  • Feel confused about what to eat and want to learn to make balanced meals.

  • Feel like you're either being "good" or "bad" with food.

  • Are looking to add more variety to your diet.

Are you ready to stop stressing, overthinking and feeling confused about food/nutrition? Let's get out of the all or nothing thinking and make food enjoyable - free of diets, guilt, or shame.

The Structure

We will work through 3 critical phases together in order to get out of the all or nothing mindset and transform your relationship with food

  • Phase 1: Mindset

    Unlearn what you've been taught and told for so long, which has kept you in this all or nothing mindset. Become an empowered eater with no food rules and no guilt!

  • Phase 2: Nutrition by Addition

    Learn to think about addition, NOT restriction. Start building balanced, nourishing meals that include all of your favorite foods. Know WHEN to eat, WHAT to eat and so much more!

  • Phase 3: Plan and Prep

    Food and nutrition don't have to be challenging or stressful. Learn not only how to plan for busy weeks ahead, grocery shopping lists, meal prepping hacks, etc., but also how to plan for LIFE (going out for dinner, on vacation, and everything in between).

Client Testimonial


Chelsea gave a multitude of techniques to achieve the results I saw. She provided affirmations, meal and snack ideas, grocery lists, taught me how to check in with my hunger quotient, build balanced plates, mindful eating techniques, and ways to be more conscious and not judgmental about myself and others! I saw better mindset, habit building, less guilt, less pressure, and just a better relationship with food. I have learned techniques to stop bad body image days as well. Chelsea was absolutely amazing and truly helped me so much. I am much less worried about all the small things and now see health and nutrition as a lifelong thing and not as dieting and something to go back and forth on. I could not recommend her enough!

Client Testimonial


Chelsea is very easy to talk to. She is kind, positive, thoughtful, and patient. I never felt judged or pressured to change. Chelsea has a high level of empathy, and PASSION for what she does. I felt inspired after each session! Chelsea’s method was effective because it felt like food therapy. I was able to talk about my relationship with food day to day, and how I felt after eating (or not eating) and what my fears/goals were and how they evolved. This approach worked very well for me, as it helped me feel empowered to make my own decisions instead of someone telling me what to do. ​

Client Testimonial


I just completed my second program with Chelsea, and it was magnificent! My journey with Chelsea has been invaluable. It taught me about nutrition in a way that I had never been taught before, in a way I think everyone should be taught about nutrition. My first 3-month program, that I completed last year, brought me back to basics, paving the way to nurturing my body mindfully and learning about what foods made me feel better than others, as well basic but transformational daily practices like water intake, incorporating movement, and mindful snacking! The second 3-month program I completed, brought everything full circle. I feel very in tune with my body, listening to what it needs or doesn’t need. Chelsea’s knowledge and incredible support through this whole journey made it much easier to fall into this natural way of eating, enjoying foods, and loving my body just as it is. Chelsea is approachable, understanding, and adaptive to your needs, which makes all the difference when each person has different goals. What I loved the most was her regular check-in’s with me. It made me feel cared for and understood. She would really listen to what you had to say and provide insightful and thoughtful responses. I highly recommend Chelsea’s programs, for anyone!

Meet your Instructor

Chelsea Golub, MS, RDN, CDN

Chelsea Golub

Hello! I'm Chelsea, a non-diet Registered Dietitian and I've been in your shoes. Constantly stressed about what to eat, feeling like I have to track everything, eating "clean" during the week and feeling out of control over the weekend. I spent years in this cycle before I became an RD and found a proven process that actually works. It's by using this process that I have helped close to 100 people get out of the all or nothing thinking around food and nutrition and finally transform their relationships with food. Let's work on taking the pressure off of food together, because after all, food should be enjoyable, not stressful. I am passionate about helping my clients learn that food can be easy! Learn to listen to your body, create balanced meals that are nourishing and satisfying, free yourself of the stress/guilt that you feel now with food and find the freedom you've been looking for!


  • How long is the program and what is the time commitment?

    The program is 12 weeks (3 months) with weekly, 60 minute LIVE zoom coaching calls. The calls will be recorded in case you have to miss any. In addition to the weekly calls, there will be about 15-20 minutes worth of videos and handouts to look through between calls.

  • When will this round start?

    This round will start in September!

  • Are there payment plan options for The Non-Diet Collective?

    Yes! There are 3 payment options available for the investment in the course. They are: pay in full, 3 monthly payments and 5 monthly payments. Financial obstacles should never be something that keeps you from changing your life!

  • What kind of support will I get in the program?

    There are SO MANY forms of support in this program in addition of the 1 hour weekly zoom group coaching call where each person gets personalized coaching. You'll get a new module each week with journal prompts, supportive resources, and check-ins. There will also be a private messaging group with constant support from me and the community.